Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions.

Thank you for choosing a course with us. By signing up to your programme you agree to the following terms and conditions set down by The Bay Dental Training Services (known hereafter as The Bay). Please read this carefully.

In addition, you will be required to agree to a Service Level Agreement and a Learner Agreement which will be sent to you on completion of your course application.

Please be aware that course places are not confirmed until full payment of the fee has been received. It is advised not to apply until funding has been arranged.

1.1 Course Duration

All courses start at the time of payment and run for the designated time period detailed in the course information. At the commencement of a programme which has a final external examination, the course tutor will provide either an exam date or a deadline for completion. At the commencement of a shorter  Award programme, it is the student’s responsibility to note the end date. All course durations and end dates are displayed on the student dashboard on the OneFile educational platform. It is also the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have finished with the online content by this date as the course will shut down and no longer be accessible. Students will be given a guideline for completion of the required modules and informed of the date any associated Workplace Portfolio documentation is due in.

If there are extenuating circumstances as to why you are unable to complete the programme, please communicate this to your tutor as soon as possible. Retrospective explanations will not be accepted.

1.2 Examination Information

1.2a DELTA Awards courses

Courses provided and awarded by DELTA Awards will have final examinations. The exams are provided online at a suitable time within the course duration. Entry to the examinations should be done in conjunction with the course tutor and will be subject to satisfactory performance on the course.

The maximum completion time for any DELTA Awards Level 3 or 4 programme is 18 months.

The examination fee is required on application and is included in the total course fee.

In the event the students do not make the final deadline for exam entry, their options are:

  • To withdraw from the programme and surrender all fees paid
  • To extend the programme to the next exam (fee may be applied if this exceeds the 18 month allowance for completion)


In the event a student is unsuccessful in the examination, resits can be arranged for 3 months later. (fee is applied). One resit opportunity is offered providing the student has not previously deferred an examination, or the course has not expired.

Students are not automatically entered for the resit examination and must make DELTA Awards aware of their intention to continue. Students will be given the option of having access to course material and/or a tutor (fee is applied). if their course has expired.

1.2b DELTA Awards Extended Duties endorsed courses

Courses leading to an Award are shorter in duration and have a flexible examination. Students can take the exam whenever they want to on completion of the programme providing all other aspects of the course have been concluded.


1.3 Course Extensions

For shorter, endorsed Award courses, the course can be extended by up to 50% of the total duration if the tutor deems it necessary for successful completion. A fee may be applied. If the course is not completed in this time it will be closed down, course fees surrendered and CPD will not be awarded.

Course extensions for longer programmes which exceed the 18 months allowed are charged at the percentage of outstanding assignments proportional to the course fee. Extensions are given at the discretion of the tutor and will not be given if the student has not demonstrated full commitment to the programme.

1.4 Communication

The primary method of communication during the online courses is by OneFile messaging services., which can be set up to send email notifications of new messages. It is your responsibility to ensure you have a current email address and it is checked regularly. The Bay accepts no responsibility for information not received due to out of date email addresses or emails not being checked by the student. We would also remind students to check their junk folders regularly. Emails going to junk will not be accepted as an excuse. Course assignments are marked through OneFile and it is the student’s responsibility to check their progression regularly. The Bay reserves the right to close a course down if we do not have replies to emails within a month of sending, or submissions via OneFile for more than 28 days. In this event the student is liable and all fees are non-refundable. If the student then wishes to continue with the programme, they will have to re-enrol as a new student.

The Bay will not communicate with anyone other than the student with regard to the training being provided.

1.5 Fees

Course fees and examination fees (where applicable) are payable in full before access to a course is granted. Once course access has been given, following the statutory period (see section 1.6), all the fees are non-refundable. If a student decides not to complete the programme for whatever reason, all fees will be waived by them. Students cannot transfer to another course nor replace themselves with another student.

Exam fees are taken on application and an exam place is reserved for the student. In the event the student cannot sit the exam due to mitigating circumstances (evidence required) arising within the 21 days preceding the exam date, they can transfer to the next available examination without penalty. Any cancellations of the exam place outside 21 days and after issue of the examination login will be subject to an administration fee.

In situations where students have been funded by their employer, our agreement is solely with the student and course progression, examination entry and portfolio requirements will not be discussed with any other party. Financial arrangements between students and employers are not a consideration in the provision of training.

1.6 Course Cancellation

Under the Consumer Contracts Regulations you have a statutory right to cancel a course application, and receive a refund of the course fee, within 14 days of making payment providing:

  • The online platform has not been activated
  • No course submissions have been completed
  • The associated exam fees have not been paid to the Awarding Body

If any of the above has been done, then the refund available will be reduced by the costs incurred by The Bay.
If you wish to cancel a place, you must inform The Bay in writing within the 14 days following payment, with the date of payment being the first day. Unfortunately we cannot offer any refunds outside of the 14 day period. Cancellation must be done by the student only, cancellations advised on the student’s behalf will not be accepted.

Refunds will be applied to the account which made the original payment.

1.7 Assignments and Submissions

All online courses have assignments and submission which must be completed by the student. In all cases the assignments must be submitted to the tutor via OneFile. Some tutors may assist by setting target deadlines and will send reminders periodically, however it is the student’s responsibility to ensure the assignments are completed and submitted. When the time comes to apply for the exam, the tutor reserves the right to withhold a student if they feel they have not completed enough of the online programme.

Your tutor will endeavour to return feedback on your assignments within a maximum of 14 days. In the event your tutor is off sick or on holiday you will be informed and where appropriate, a replacement tutor advised.

Students are reminded that late or last minute submissions risk the course being incomplete and that tutors are not responsible for assessing work to enable the meeting of a deadline. Submissions should be made in good time to allow marking and amending if required. There are no guarantees that submissions made less than 7 days before a final deadline/course expiry date will be completed.

1.8 Complaints

If you feel the course is unsatisfactory, in the first instance, raise the concern with your course tutor. Please be advised The Bay will not discuss course progress with anyone other than the student. If the resolution is not acceptable then complaints can be made in writing via email to info@thebaydentaltrainingservices.co.uk.   We will endeavour to rectify the situation where possible within 14 days.

The Bay reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions at any time.