Award in Dental Impression Taking


This course is aimed at all dental care professionals and provides training to allow the taking of dental impressions for all treatments. The knowledge and theory is provided online through two modules, and the learner is asked to nominate an in-house supervisor for the practical stages. The course can be started at anytime and runs over a maximum of 12 weeks.


Course title: Award in Dental Impression Taking
This course is aimed at dental nurses who wish to take dental impressions, on referral, as part of dental treatment or clinical assessment.
Endorsed by: DELTA Awards
Structure: The course is delivered by way of three modules. All modules are mandatory.
Grading: Pass or fail
Pre-requisites: None
Course fee: £160.00 – Including VAT at 20%.


This course is assessed by:

  • Workplace portfolio of experience
  • Essay submission
  • Multiple choice test

Candidates must achieve a pass in all modules.

Resit Arrangements: Candidates can receive a small course extension to amend or change any information in the workplace portfolio or essay submissions.

Candidates get two attempts at the online multiple choice questions.

Guided Learning Hours: This programme is 40 Guided Learning Hours (GLH)
Course length: 12 weeks
Credits: This course attracts 4 credits


Module 1 Module 2 Module 3
General Dental Council – responsibilities as a registrant
CPR / emergencies
First Aid
Health and Safety
Cross Infection Control
Devices and treatments
Patient management
Anatomy of the oral cavity
Laboratory requirements
Impression taking faults
Assessment Assessment Assessment
Essay on the management of a choking patient Essay on cross infection control Two case studies
Workplace portfolio of evidence
Online MCQ test

Workplace Portfolio of Evidence

This contains evidence of 12 patient cases where impressions have been taken as part of dental treatment or clinical assessment.

The portfolio should include:

  • 2 sets of study models
  • 2 mouthguards and/or retainers
  • 2 fluoride and/or bleaching trays
  • 6 impressions of any other type which can include, but is not restricted to, opposing impressions for crowns/bridges/implants, denture impressions and orthodontic appliances


Case studies

Two cases should be expanded into case studies which should include photographs of the impressions and the final devices. The case studies should be two different devices but cannot include denture impressions as the remainder of the treatment is carried out by another dental professional. Word count for each 1000 – 1500 words.


Multiple Choice Questions

At the end of the final module, candidates will be required to pass a short multiple choice test on all subjects covered. This is 20 minutes in duration and consists of 15 questions. It can be taken at anytime on course completion, and is done online. Candidates get one resit opportunity should they not attain 75% on their first attempt. If the second attempt is also unsuccessful, this will result in a fail for the whole course.


Course Content

Module 1

Legislation: GDPR
Consent and confidentiality
Health and safety legislation
Cross infection legislation
GDC – responsibilities as a registrant
Managing an emergency: Choking
First Aid

Learner Outcomes:

The candidate will:

  • Understand the legal aspects surrounding patient consent and data protection
  • Understand the importance of managing any adverse incidents quickly and efficiently
  • Understand their responsibility to the patient and to the rest of the dental team as a GDC registrant

The candidate can:

  • Keep accurate dental records of the treatments in which they have been involved
  • Maintain confidentiality and data protection policies as per the workplace and legislative requirements
  • Maintain efficient health and safety and cross infection control procedures and work safely


Module 2

Health and Safety: PPE
Cross Infection Control: Clinical hand washing
Disinfection and sterilisation
Preparing impressions for the laboratory
Materials: Impression materials
Devices and treatments: Reasons to take dental impressions

Learner Outcomes:

The candidate will:

  • Understand the importance of good health and safety awareness during an appointment for dental impressions
  • Understand the importance of maintaining good cross infection control during an appointment for dental impressions
  • Understand the differences in the materials available for dental impressions and how they should be handled and mixed

The candidate can:

  • Demonstrate safe working practice during the taking of dental impressions
  • Demonstrate good cross infection control before, during and after an appointment for dental impressions
  • Handle and mix dental impression material safely and correctly
  • Take the correct dental impression for the required device


Module 3

Patient management: Managing different patient groups, children, adults, special care, elderly
Anatomy of the oral cavity: Features of the oral cavity
The features which need to be included in a dental impression
Abnormalities of the oral cavity
Laboratory requirements: Preparing the impressions for the laboratory
Impression taking faults: Errors in the impressions
Technique: Ergonomics

Learner Outcomes:

The candidate will:

  • Understand the importance of good patient instruction and management
  • Appreciate the importance of good communication and instruction
  • Understand the importance of good dental impressions taken for different devices using different materials
  • Understand the potential consequences of using a poor impression to create a device
  • Understand the requirements of the impression depending on the device being constructed

The candidate can:

  • Take dental impressions on referral from a suitable dental professional
  • Give examples of how a poor impression can impact on the treatment of the patient
  • Act appropriately if an impression is not of the standard required
  • Give examples of good and bad patient management
  • Give examples of different communication methods which may be used during an appointment
  • Take dental impressions using a variety of different materials:
    • Alginate
    • Silicones
    • Polymer
    • Polysulfide
  • Take dental impressions for a variety of devices
    • Study models
    • Fluoride/bleaching trays
    • Mouthguard / bite guards
    • Opposition impressions for fixed prosthetics
    • Initial impressions for dentures